Manchester Move

Manchester Move advertises ready-to-rent homes for around 18 not-for-profit landlords. You bid for them, the landlord decides who gets them based on their allocations policy.
It's called 'bidding' but there’s no money involved. It's how you tell us you are interested in a home.
When can I start looking?
You can look at homes at any time, but you can only bid for them when:
• You have completed an online registration form.
• You have sent us the documentation we ask for.
• The landlord handling your application has told you that you are eligible for rehousing and can start bidding.
When are properties advertised?
• The landlords who are part of Manchester Move will be advertising properties as soon as they become available, so new adverts will be added daily.
• This doesn’t mean that you have to check for new properties every day because all properties advertised can be seen on Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays.
• Properties will be advertised for at least 6 days, but occasionally we may leave adverts on for longer.
• Each advert will have a ‘closing date’ on it, so you just need to make sure that you bid before then if you are interested.
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